Cybersecurity solutions for construction, urban and industrial engineering

Our business sectors

  • Construction

    Our specialized software for automated encryption and decryption plays a crucial role in the construction industry. They ensure data security in BIM (Building Information Modeling) projects, protecting digital models and sensitive information from security breaches.

  • Urban Engineering

    In the field of urban engineering, ScredIn adds value to CIM (City Information Modeling). Our cybersecurity technology guarantees the protection of complex urban data, essential to the planning and management of urban infrastructures.

  • Industrial Engineering

    PLM (product lifecycle management) is essential for industrial companies. ScredIn enhances and secures these processes with advanced cybersecurity solutions. Our automated approach ensures data security throughout the product lifecycle, from design to production and beyond.

Why choose ScredIn?

Access Management

Automatically check user identity when accessing sensitive data, ensuring secure access.

Encryption automation

Automatically manage the encryption and decryption of BIM data, optimizing team collaboration

Time-saving safety

Reduce human error and allow employees to focus on their work, while guaranteeing cybersecurity in the background.

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Need more information?

Do your cybersecurity measures comply with the new NIS2 regulations? What impact will it have on your business?

Contact our experts today for clear answers to all your questions!