Conceal | Protect | Collaborate

Anonymize Your 3D Models in Accordance with GDPR

Why Anonymize Your IFCs?

Protection of Sensitive Data

Anonymization of BIM models to prevent leaks and espionage by masking critical information.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure compliance with standards such as GDPR, protecting personal and sensitive data within IFC files.


Enables secure sharing of IFC models among stakeholders, disclosing only the necessary information.

ScredIn IFC Conceal

IFC Conceal encrypts sensitive data in 3D models and provides direct access to authorized collaborators to access the metadata without additional steps. A free version is planned for the end of 2023, followed by a premium version in 2024 offering expanded features.

By masking sensitive information, IFC anonymization reduces the risks associated with external handling of BIM data. This ensures that even if files are compromised, critical information is not exposed.

Why ScredIn IFC Conceal?

  • Risk-Free Collaboration

    ScredIn Anonymize IFC facilitates secure collaboration among all BIM project stakeholders. By sharing anonymized IFC models, you ensure that only essential information is accessible to concerned parties, thereby reducing the risks of data leakage or misuse.

  • Compliance and Data Protection

    Our software ensures compliance with strict regulations such as GDPR, preserving the confidentiality of personal and sensitive data contained in IFC files. This allows you to share your models confidently, knowing that critical data is secure.

Ready to Enhance the Security of Your BIM Projects?

Discover how ScredIn Anonymize IFC can transform the security management of your data.

Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a Demo.