ScredIn Roadmap 2023-2025 :
Cybersecurity for the construction industry

In an ever-evolving technological world, where the digitalization of data is at the forefront of concerns, ensuring data cybersecurity has become imperative. Whether for businesses, professionals, or individuals, data protection is no longer an option but a necessity.

In response to this reality, we are proud to present our 2023-2025 Roadmap, which highlights our innovative solutions designed to meet the current and future security challenges in the construction and digital engineering sector.


Dans le monde en évolution rapide de l’ingénierie et de la construction, la cybersécurité est devenue un incontournable pour protéger les actifs numériques sensibles des infrastructures critiques. 

Nos formations d’introduction à la cybersécurité sont conçues spécifiquement pour les professionnels du secteur de l’ingénierie, vous offrant les connaissances fondamentales et la compréhension des enjeux actuels, des meilleures pratiques et des stratégies essentielles pour sécuriser vos projets et infrastructures.

ScredIn Pass: Password Management

Released in October 2023, ScredIn Pass is an innovative solution for password management. Beyond securely storing your passwords, it generates robust passwords that meet security requirements. Its strength lies in facilitating the secure sharing of these passwords, allowing each team member to easily access the necessary information while promoting a smooth and secure user experience for teams and individuals.

IFC Conceal: Protecting your 3D Models in Compliance with GDPR

IFC Conceal encrypts sensitive data from 3D models and provides direct access to collaborators authorized to access the metadata without additional steps. A free version is planned for late 2023, followed by a premium version in 2024 offering expanded features.

Strengthening BIM Process Security: Our Range of Tools

Strengthening BIM Process Security: Our Range of Tools

  • ScredIn Secure for Dynamo: currently in POC phase.
  • ScredIn Secure for Revit: available as a plugin, it secures the BIM process from the design of the 3D model.

And soon, between 2024 and 2025, new plugins for ArchiCAD, Naviswork, Civil 3D, AllPlan, and SIA will strengthen this range.

Solutions to Secure Restricted Data

Our products, ScredIn Desktop and ScredIn Project, automate the encryption and decryption process, thus eliminating human errors. They operate intuitively: Upon an access attempt, our software validates the user’s identity. If access is authorized for that user, they automatically decrypt the information. Once the work is completed, they re-encrypt the data.

The development of ScredIn Advanced is scheduled for 2024 to strengthen this offering.

Local and Cloud Data Security

In collaboration with Mezzoteam, we introduce the ScredIn Secure for Mezzoteam plugin to protect the workflow and data on this EDM. Two versions are available: on-premise and pro. The Express version is expected in 2024.

For SharePoint users, ScredIn Project for SharePoint is already available for automating encryption and decryption of data on SharePoint. Solutions for other cloud platforms, such as Google, Box, and Dropbox, are in preparation for 2024-2025.

Training: Arm Yourself Against Threats

In addition to our technological solutions, we offer comprehensive training on the basics of cybersecurity, recognizing cyber threats, as well as on the use, deployment, and implementation of our solutions.

ScredIn Launcher: Your Security Portal

To simplify the user experience, ScredIn Launcher will be launched to centralize our solutions in one place.

In conclusion, in the digital age where BIM plays a central role in construction and digital engineering, ScredIn is your ally in guaranteeing the security of every piece of data. We are fully committed to providing the best cybersecurity solutions, constantly innovating to ensure you a safe and serene digital experience.

For advice tailored to your context or a customized demo.

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Picture of Haneen HAMDAN


Business Developer at ScredIn
I talk about cybersecurity, with a focus on securing digital assets in construction and engineering.

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